Thursday, December 27, 2018

LOVE -Poetry

adore, love
blessing from above
games, shames
love’s up in flames
tease, flirt
joy then hurt
lust, passion
tender and compassion
lies, tears
exposing deepest fears
trusting, sharing
fighting then caring
reveal, hide
an emotional ride
hurting, healing
declaring personal feelings
giving, taking
loving and faking
selfish, selfless
trying to impress
tied, trapped
freedom now kidnapped
committed, invested
love often tested
peace, bliss
sweet goodnight kiss
scream, forgive
begin to live
faith, hope
wedding or elope
dream, believe
impart and receive
adore, love
blessing from above

Monday, September 24, 2018


Hold my hand// Please walk with me.
I need your support// Please don’t flee.
There is too much in this life to be on my own.
I can’t do it without you// Don’t leave me alone.

Walk with Me
by Stephanie Daich

Wednesday, September 19, 2018



In the nursing home, I wander,
Sometimes fast, sometimes I saunter.
I get bored, you see,
That’s when I decide who I should be.
They’ve closed their eyes to who’s inside.
At first, it hurt, and I would hide.
But that was no way to live.
I am still full of fire, with much to give.
So with the staff, I look for fun.
I trick and joke, and often pun.
And when they don’t have time for that,
That’s when I pull out 'crazy as a bat'.
I might act like a drama queen,
Demand and yell, create a scene.

Sometimes in them, I found my spouse,
And chase them around the nursing house.
Other times I’m a schoolchild,
As I run down the halls acting wild.
Once I was the God of all,
And demanded tribute as I reigned the hall.
Sometimes in the middle of the program,
I’ll stand and sing and bleat like a lamb.
Once I sat in the administrator’s chair,
I told him to bow and give me fanfare.
With me, they don’t know what to think,
Making me visit more than one shrink.
But during those times of our private sessions,
I pull out the knowledge from my doctorate lessons.
Where the therapists see my knowledge is deeper.
We laugh, and we converse, then I’m returned to my keeper.
With a diagnosis “as smart as a whip,”
I give them a smirk, while by them, I skip.
And they are left baffled, not knowing what to do with me.
And really, the answer is quite simple, you see.
I once was a doctor, a parent, a scout,
But here, no one knows what I am about.
I ran committees, the top of my class.
Eight years in the navy earned me some brass,
But to them, all they see is wrinkles and grey hair.
They’ve closed off their heart without care.
I am not going to be brushed under the rug,
To be ignored and despised, not even a hug.
They will notice me. I’ll make sure of that.
I am not to be brushed under their mat.
So if they don’t have time to sit and learn,
Or if they are gruff and impatient acting stern,
Then I will pull out a new character to play.
The one I will act as the entire day.
But if they want logic, then with me, take a sit.
I’ll tell them my stories. It will only take a bit.
It’s worth it to them, for I won’t act like a loon,
Running around screaming, like a baboon.
We’ll have a great visit, both will learn.
Go back and forth in respect, each taking a turn.
We should be friends, you see,
Instead of me whipping out my bag of crazy.
In the nursing home, I wander,
Sometimes fast, sometimes I saunter
If they don’t pay attention to me,
That’s when I decide who I should be.

Monday, September 17, 2018



“Where’s daddy,” his daughter cries through the night.
“Where’s daddy,” his precious cries at first light.
He had been there so often to tuck her in,
And always there with his morning grin.

Her face lost some of the sparkle it had,
Because she doesn’t know what happened to dad.
She looks for him in the faces she does see.
But none of them are who she needs them to be.

They buried him in the ground last May.
She thought the funeral was a party to play.
She doesn’t understand where her best friend went,
While the family is sad with lament.

“Where’s daddy,” his princess cries each day.
“Where’s daddy? Why did he go away?”

Monday, September 3, 2018

TAKEN -Poetry


Once a field of green, lush and wonderful;
Now a stretch of asphalt.
Once trees climbed to the lowest cloud;
Now a chain-link fence.
Once a stream branched in several spots;
Now a cement ditch.
Once sky blue and clear;
Now air brown as dirt.
Once we played outside;
Now everyone confined in the house.
Once we reverenced Mother Nature;
Now electronics is our God.


by Stephanie Daich

Sunday, September 2, 2018


Yersinia Pestis

Today, we call it the Black Death.
Medieval times called it Blue Sickness.
An epidemic spread by living breath,
But mostly flea vectors flow of viscous
Causing fevers, chills, and extreme weakness.

If diarrhea was all you got
Consider yourself one of the few blessed.
For other’s appendages blackened and rot,
While the growth of buboes progressed.
Yersinia Pestis, it fury behest.

Pneumonically, the droplets carried,
And through fluids, the Bacillus is spread.
-Three forms, unique yet varied.
A bacteria, bringing nations great dread.
And leaving two-thirds of the population dead.

Through centuries, they could only fear the plague
As it brought countries to their knees.
Their knowledge to fight it was too vague.
A pandemic spread by a simple sneeze,
Or when one got bit by an infected flea.

Today, antibiotics can curve this beast.
And we see fewer transmissions.
The death toll has decreased.
And even though Yersinia Pestis is not in full remission.
Thank goodness for medicine and physicians.

Yersinia Pestis
by Stephanie Daich


Thursday, August 30, 2018





The prey’s pheromones saturate through the air.

Ravenous wolves lick their razor-sharp teeth.

Vulnerable, naïve, so unaware, is

Their prey, as it drinks the clear spring water,

The pack’s circle, tightening in closer.

Wiry hair erects on the wolves’ slick backs.

Circling, closer; entrapping the prey.

The prey looks up. It’s too late. The beasts strike.

The bottled water slips from the teen’s hand.

She is pressed squarely against her locker.

The male team pushes harder and harder,

Unable to restrain strong desire.

They make their move on the loan cheerleader.

Did she know there was danger in alone?

Finished, they abandoned her on the floor.

Praising each other over their cruel deed.

Ravenous wolves lick their razor-sharp teeth.

The smell of dominance saturates the air.



by Stephanie Daich

Wednesday, May 23, 2018



Remember in childhood.
How free, we didn’t realize.
We longed to reach adulthood.
Unaware of its surprise.

Adulthood is drudgery.
To-do lists growing longer.
Free time is a luxury.
Depression growing stronger.

Time to focus mindfulness.
Allowing stress to release.
Adulting is frightfulness.
As life and talents decrease.

Don’t live life with idleness.
Each moment is a treasure.
Grab life as a lioness.
Make living your new pleasure


by Stephanie Daich