Saturday, May 4, 2024



Succumbed again.

               One day in four.

 How did I fail?

A blight, a sting

               A beguiling tune.

Controlling me.

Day one -so strong.

               Nothing will take me down.

I have it this time.

Look at the pitiful fools.

               Drowning their will in their addiction.

Not me. Never again.

Wanderlust with the eyes.

               The substance catches my attention.

Leave me alone!

Day three -I fade in and out.

               I have this. I do!

I made it one more day!

I can do this. I will never fall again.

               I am power.

Power. That is me.

And now, here I am,

               Gripped by my madness.

The addiction has won again.


The Addiction Has Won Again

by Stephanie Daich

Selling Out the Nation -Flash Fiction

Selling Out the Nation

I stared at the bank foreclosure. “I’m sorry, Dad.” Four generations had successfully farmed my land. Not only did I run the largest farms in the Midwest, but I also owned a legacy. Of course, I didn’t have to lose it. The government made that clear with its deceitful proposition. But could I ruin our nation to save my farm?

I picked up a handful of miniature microchips about the size of a strawberry seed.

My daughter Grace entered the kitchen, and I quickly stuffed the microchips into my pocket. She had prominent bags under her eyes, dark and sorrowful like a middle-aged man would have, not a young girl in her prime.

“Is this my last day at school?” she asked behind sniffles.

I couldn’t look at her. Tomorrow, the police would escort us off our property. If I didn’t team up with the corrupt government with their plan, that was. I put my hand in my pocket and fingered the little microchips.

“Please, Dad, tell me you found a way to save our home.” She bent forward into my face. Her long hair draped over my shoulders.

“Grace, let’s go,” my wife Samantha said as she walked into the kitchen. She looked more emotionally wrecked than Grace.

“Please, Dad, tell me you found a way to save our home.”

“He could save it if he just went into business with the government.” Samantha opened the cupboard, pulled out two glasses, then slammed the cupboard shut. I jumped. “But he has too much pride. He would rather lose his great-great-great-granddad’s land than go into business with anyone.” She banged the glasses on the cupboard.

She didn’t know what the government intended to do. She believed it was just a partnership, an expansion.

“Such pride.”

It tore me apart to see my family so unhappy.

“Fine, I’ll do it.”

Grace threw her arms around my neck. “Really, Dad, really?”

I couldn’t look at her or Samantha. They didn’t realize what they were asking of me. Selfishly, I would save our home, but I would screw the nation.

“Oh, thank you, thank you,” Samantha said as she filled the cups with orange juice. She didn’t hug me. We had way too much tension between us for that. She handed a cup to Grace and with her free hand, grabbed her keys.

“Let’s go,” she said with a much happier tone.

“Thanks again, Dad,” Grace said as she left the kitchen, blowing me a kiss.

I ripped up the foreclosure letter. I thought it would bring satisfaction, but it didn’t. I called Josh from the Government office. “Fine, I’ll sign,”

“I knew you would come to your senses.”

I hung up on him.

I pulled the microchips out of my pocket. Within the year, these would be enlaced in all my produce. I would keep a section of my farm untainted, only for Samantha, Grace, and me to eat from. And within the year, the rest of the nation would succumb to ultimate government control.

But at least I saved the farm.


Selling Out the Nation

by Stephanie Daich

YOU THEN I -Poetry


You told me it was real

You had me believe

You used the art of deception

Hiding truth in your sleeve

I based my concepts from you

I saw from your eyes

I defended your world

I trusted your lies

You tried to withhold knowledge

You closed the subject down

You made me feel dirty

You controlled all around

I’ve entered enlightenment

I’ve left behind your ways

I feel confused and angry

I create a new path to blaze 


You Then I

by Stephanie Daich

Monday, April 29, 2024

WHEN -Poetry


When history repeats, and mistakes come again

When unrest consumes the citizens

When hearts fail, and unnatural affection takes place

When people steal, rape, and kill

When masses would rather loiter than work

When the education system fails

When the government lies, cheats, and controls

When fear-mongers reign

When land is lost

When war rages

When weather is controlled and manipulated

When bipartisan no longer exists

When plaques overrun the land

When hearts fail, and cowards hide

When the citizen does nothing

When the rioter does too much

When corruption rules and takes over the land

That is when it’s too late.



by Stephanie Daich



 During winter, the frigid cold,

Unending, darkened skies,

Wipes out the will.

In a death grip of dread and anguish,

Living forms give up, hope strangled from

Repeated days of desperation and fog.

Snow monsters arise, and everything withers


With the season, the will and optimism,

Depleting, extinguished joy,

Removes any desire.


In a constant fight of death versus life,

Living forms feel warmth, hope blossoms from

Springtime brightening and lifting.

Spring rejuvenates



Spring Rejuvenates Life

by Stephanie Daich

Thursday, April 25, 2024



I don’t trust you, Lust. You are a demon.

Because of you, in the heart, the blood runs out,

Through the holes, you punched. For me, you were love,

But for the other, only lust. 

Only lies.

Love. Is it real? Does it exist?

Look at the relationships, the couples.

One loves.

One lusts.

One hates.

One lies.

How many are genuinely happy?

The older couples, hand in hand. They have made it.

They discovered the secret; they shared the joy.

But do the young know this?

People lie.

They trick.

All for lust.

All to get the ultimate.

The trickery.

A place where one dedicates one's life,

While the other uses and takes advantage.

There is emptiness.


We all want it, the ultimate love.

But does it exist?

Or does it all show up in the guise of








Which one will you go after?


Love, Lust, Hate, or Lies

by Stephanie Daich

Wednesday, April 24, 2024



    Amelia’s hand cupped a handful of belly fat and rolled it around in her plump little fingers, much like her mother’s bread dough. She pulled at the skin and jiggled the substance beneath while gazing around the dressing room at the gorgeous ballerinas posed in front of mirrors, touching up their looks and obsessing over every detail on their emaciated faces and bodies.

    It is heartbreaking to watch the moment that shaped Amelia’s life forever, cascading her into a ravenous pit of hell that would eventually take her life, and she didn’t even realize its destruction.

    “Ugh, I went with Peter to the Pasta Palace last night, and now look at how fat I am,” said a ballerina that made Barbie look chunky. “I will never allow myself to eat anything but salad again.”

    Amelia carefully studied the body of the “fat ballerina” and looked down at her adorable childlike potbelly. Amelia’s belly symbolized youth and innocence, yet Amelia’s confused eleven-year-old self didn’t know how to see it. She slapped her belly and continued to watch the ballerinas, all with waists at least five inches smaller than Amelia’s. If the ballerinas were fat, what did that make Amelia?

    Amelia compared her image in the mirror with that of her older cousin, Jessica. Jessica seemed prettier than the TV models, with makeup that looked like an artist painted it on, calling attention to her striking teal eyes. Amelia compared her hazel eyes to Jessica’s. Why did Jessica get looks and talent while I am so ugly? How was Amelia to know that Jessica wore contacts that changed her eye color and that all the splash on her face was manufactured? Jessica looked just like Amelia beneath the layers of visual deceit.

    Jessica picked up a brown bag and handed it to Amelia. “Here is a snack from Grandma,” she said, winking at Amelia. Amelia smiled and caught a glimpse of her crooked tooth grin in the mirror, next to Jessica’s perfect smile. Amelia closed her mouth and bowed her head feeling like she had seen a monster in her reflection. With her eyes turned to the floor, she carried her snack to the corner, allowing a dark cloud to radiate around her. She pulled the pink, sprinkled doughnut out of the bag. Grandma knew this was Amelia’s favorite treat. Amelia looked up again at all the perfect bodies that surrounded her, and she wiped away a secret tear, leaving a sticky pink trail on her upper cheek.

    Amelia squeezed her belly again and made sure no one looked her way when she tossed the doughnut into the garbage. She had never consciously refused food before, nor had she thought she was ugly, but now that her eyes were open to her perceived truth, how could she go on eating junk food when she looked like a troll among all the delicate roses of beauty?

    And from that moment on, one could hardly get food into Amelia’s mouth, and tragically she lost her soul to an ideal she would never reach.


The Beginning to her End

by Stephanie Daich