Monday, February 3, 2025




Reenter your imagination with a child-like hunger,

And allow it to wash over you.

Surrender your rigid schedules

And destroy your oppressive walls.

Once you traveled this realm freely,

Once you let it in.


When did you shut it out,

Close your doors to its possibility?

Kick out your mind’s curator,

The one who has boxed up all your innocence,

And filed it deep into the vaults of the forgotten,

Unobtainable memory. Rehire the organizer of

Your mind from yesteryears.


Allow curiosity and wonderment to be your

Constant companion, for it swelled in you once,

And it can regain its place in you.

Why do you have to rush about,

Too busy to even notice the small flower

Growing out of the cracked asphalt?

Have you taken the time to lie on your back

And gaze up at the clouds, noticing Heaven’s palette?

When did you really listen to the magic of music

And allow it to paint pictures of wonderment in your mind?


Return to yourself,

The one who felt intrigued by a

Stranger and made an instant friend.

Open your heart to adventure and spontaneity,

For that is the spice to life, the icing on the

Cake that you always took time to taste.

Today is the day! The minute is now.

Toss out all your reserves

And allow imagination and curiosity

Their rightful place in your soul!


Return to Yourself

by Stephanie Daich

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