Wednesday, July 31, 2024



Often: our pride, our grandiosity, our selfishness

And our idols, placing our worship in the wrong places,

Giving to an unknown God, an ideal that will only fail us.

Lost, is the love for our neighbor; vanished is the care in our hearts.

We’ve built our empire alone.

We need no one, especially God.

Yet when we think we can do something on our own.

God grants us that chance,

And leaves us to do it alone.


When God Leaves Us

By Stephanie Daich



Have you ever thought about the universe?

How it rushes by too fast?

Always moving forward.

It is hard for you to keep up with.

Can’t it just slow down for you to enjoy more?

But are you that egocentric?

Do you really think it’s about you?

Perhaps it is you who is rushing the universe!


The Universe

by Stephanie Daich

CHANGING MEMORIES -Speculative Fiction


 “I think we should do it,” he says, not looking at me, as he keeps his eyes on his phone. I hate that phone. He seems to love it more than me.

“I don’t know. The cost is astronomical. And do you really think it is worth it?”

His eyes come up and stare into mine. He hardly looks me in the eyes anymore and now he has cornered me with them. “It’s cheaper than a divorce.”

It felt like he kicked me in the stomach. We have gotten to the point in our marriage where it is no longer should we get a divorce, but when? I look at his eyes. Eyes that swept me away and had such a power over me when we met. But now, I see all that is wrong with him in those eyes. Those eyes make me sick. “Do you know anyone who has had success with it?”

He looks back at his phone, our moment of connection gone. “The Claremonts.”

“The Claremonts! Seriously? They are like the perfect couple. Had they ever fought in their whole marriage.” The Claremonts. The couple everyone wished they could be. They still found passion and joy in each other, always embraced as if they were high school sweethearts. They joked and flirted with each other. -Really, they weren’t always like that?

My fingers squeeze my thighs. “So, I believe it is $3,000 a memory. We could afford to do three. Which ones would we do?”

Memories. Isn’t that what we are essentially made up of. Yes, we are taught to live in the moment, but the moment is so fleeting. It is the memories we base our life off of, the memories that flood us with joy, or drop us to our knees.

“Well, I was thinking about our fight over kids.”

Oh, that is a doozy. I wanted to start having kids when we first got married, but he said we should wait, enjoy life first. “We can start trying in five years.” I hate him for that memory. We went back and forth over the decision for the first couple of years. He refused to give in. And then, into the fourth year of our marriage they found cancer in my cervix, and the hysterectomy made it so I would never conceive and give birth. I have never forgiven him for that one.

“I agree.”

He didn’t seem to hear me as his fingers tapped his phone.

“If we are going to do this, then you need to be present. Put that phone down!” The memory had drudged my hate for him, and I had lost my patience for him. He stuffs his phone in his pocket and looks around me, but not at me. Do I really want to salvage things with him?

“And then there is the memory of you not letting me take that job with Steve Jobs. I had an in. I had an in.” He slams his hand against the couch cushion as dust plumets out. I look away. I know he has never forgiven me for that. He would have gotten in with Apple shortly before they became the household sensation they are. He had an in with Steve, and we would be filthy rich. I wouldn’t mind letting that memory out of our marriage.

“And the third one…” I say. We both know what the third one is, but I need him to say it. Instead, he plays stupid and shrugs.

“Just say it,” I bark.


“Because, you have to.”

He looks at me again. “You see. It is these memories we trap inside us that have ruined our marriage. If only we could have forgiven each other, then I think we would have been like the Claremonts.”

“Why should I forgive you? Your betrayal to me is far worse than not taking a job with Steve. I made a mistake. You stepped out on me.”

“And that is why we need to do this. We need to erase those memories and have them replaced with something of love.”

I want to pick up the lamp on the end table and throw it at him. He wants to just erase what he did to me, as if it had never happened. Convenient for him. He’d get his fun without any of the consequences. “I don’t know if I can just let that go. You deserve punishment for it.”

“Haven’t you punished me enough these last seven years? I have paid my penance.”

My face gets hot and I ball my fists. “You will never pay enough.”

He jumps up. “Well, it is obvious our marriage will never be saved if you cannot let go and move on. Listen, we can’t do this anymore. Something has to change. Next Monday, we will either walk into the Memory Alteration Clinic, or the courthouse to file divorce. It’s your choice.”


The alarm wakes me from my sleep. I look at the empty spot in the California King. He hasn’t slept with me for years. I look at the calendar next to the bed.


A million butterflies flutter in my stomach. No, not butterflies, angry hornets, and they are stabbing me with their stingers. I get dressed and skip breakfast. I can’t eat. I go into the garage and find him already waiting for me. I get into his car with him and the smell of pine hits me hard. I hate that smell because it reminds me of him. He has always used pine incense in his car since I have known him.

“Are you ready for this?” He asks as he backs the car out of the garage. I shrug. “We can pick the alternative,” he says.

I don’t know if we are making the right decision. Both options seem wrong, and yet right. We drive in silence and walk into the lobby with him several strides ahead of me. We wait in the lobby for them to call our names. There is no small talk as he stares at his phone.

“Bachelor,” they finally call. He stuffs his phone in his pocket at looks at me, but I refuse to look back at him. We walk into a small room that smells like paper.

“Do you have any questions?” the lady asks.

“Yes. I do.” I sit in the hard seat and shift my weight. “I’ve read the pamphlets, but I am still confused. So, you take our memories, and replace them with the ones we wrote out for you.”

“Yes,” she says, bobbing her head.

“What happens when we are with other people, and they bring up the memory you erased. Will that bring it back?”

“No, it is completely gone, and it has a blocker in place. Your mind will refuse to let it in. You will reject it as if they said something absurd, like your mother is an alien. You know from the fiber of your souls that your mother is not an alien, and despite the heaps of evidence they give you, you will never believe your mother is an alien. Same thing. If anyone tries to reintroduce your wiped memories, they will not stick. You will reject them.”

My body tightens. It is a good concept, but I still want to hold onto the betrayal, just a little. But I guess for the sake of our marriage, our fifteen-year marriage, I have to let it go.

“Any other questions?”

We both shake our heads.

She hands us paper gowns “Slip these on. I will come back in ten minutes to take you to the memory room.”

I hold the crinkly gown next to my chest.

She gives us a huge grin. “Get ready for your happily ever after.”


Changing Memories

by Stephanie Daich

Friday, July 26, 2024

HEAD GREMLIN -Poetry for children


A gremlin lives inside my head.

It tries to trick me to do things of dread.

It had me flood the school bathroom,

And make fart noises while on zoom.

To put glue on the bully’s locker.

To get a red card while playing soccer.

It whispered to me to cheat on the test

It had me hide Dad’s favorite armrest.

A gremlin lives inside my head.

Don’t blame me, blame the gremlin instead.


Head Gremlin

by Stephanie Daich

Monday, July 22, 2024

HEAL ME -Poetry


 Oh, my chains, my addictions.

I long for you to leave.

To go.


Oh, my struggles, my afflictions.

How you make me greave.

My woe.


Oh, the light, the healing.

Please save me,

Make me whole.


Oh, the peace, the feeling.

Help me to see.

Cleanse my soul.


Heal Me

by Stephanie Daich

Sunday, July 21, 2024

TO BE -Poetry


I found myself,

As I took a chance,

A chance to rewrite my circumstance.


I freed myself

When I released the chains,

The chains that caused all sorts of pains.


I found the truth,

As I searched down deep,

Deeply at the values to keep.


I honored myself,

As I stood my ground,

That is where my hope was found.


I stand alone,

As I am free,

Free to let myself just be.


To Be

by Stephanie Daich

Friday, July 19, 2024


Parents were kids once, weren’t they?

They used to smile and dream

Stay outside all day.

They used to like to play.

Now they don’t believe in fun.

They are never happy.

Sadly, they never skip or run.

Please don’t let me become one.


Weren’t Parents Kids Once

by Stephanie Daich



The county fair.

The county fair.

Put on your dress. Comb your hair.

Go with a loved one.

Go with a friend.

Walk around from end to end.

Buy a churro.

Buy a ware.

Spend your money at the fair.

Play a game.

Ride a coaster.

Buy some artwork or a poster.

The county fair.

The county fair.

It only comes once a year.


The Country Fair

by Stephanie Daich



Out of the vanity that traps me,

         Binding to heart cold as ice.

         I close my eyes to another’s plea.

And cling to my sinful vice.     


In the moments of my redemption,

         I’ve shown the blackness of my soul.

         On me, I’ve drawn the attention,

while pushing others into a hole.


My sins I have collected,

         leaving a trail of pain.

         To all, I have neglected.

As I remain utterly vain.


Utterly Vain

by Stephanie Daich

Thursday, July 18, 2024



As they take our home and dreams

As our nation unwinds at the seams

As they force their values down our throats,

It no longer matters how the majority votes.

They rewrite the governing rule.

They lie and try to make us the fool.

Forcing agendas, they take it all.

Helpless, we watch our beloved nation fall.


The Fall of Our Nation

by Stephanie Daich




Through shadows and ledges, death comes biding.

Don’t try to escape it; there’s no point in hiding.

It roams on the streets and in hospital wards.

It ravages the poor and the manor of lords.

Not much in life is guaranteed.

Yet everyone will die by the Heavenly decree.



by Stephanie Daich



Online school.

Online school.

When I first heard about it, I thought it’d be cool.

Mom teaches spelling

Mom’s lessons aren’t compelling

It would be nice if Mom stopped yelling.

I miss Mr. Lee.

I miss PE

I even miss the kids making fun of me.

Please open the doors.

With recess outdoors.

My education shouldn’t be part of your political wars.


Online School

by Stephanie Daich

Tuesday, July 16, 2024



Believing media lies,

I plastered disinformation to

My social network account,

Where I shamed those

Who didn’t believe like me.

I, the true puppet in this charade.


The Puppet

by Stephanie Daich



I wanted to love you; I did.

I gave you my entirety.

I put you above all.

I didn’t see your greedy ways.

It’s you and nothing else.

Why did you have to push everything else in my life away?

I could give you devotion while still loving other people and things.

But you did not allow it.

I didn’t see your conniving ways.

It’s you and nothing else.

You dazzled me.

Built me up.

I felt like I was the world with you while slyly pushing everything else out.

Why are you so selfish?

It’s you and nothing else.

As I thought you were making me better,

You were cutting out the most important parts of me,

Of my life.

Why are you so selfish?

It’s you and nothing else.

And now I am left with nothing.

Only you and nothing else.

I traded my soul for you.

Why are you so cunning?

It’s you and nothing else.


You and Nothing Else

by Stephanie Daich



Dejectedly, broken, the child

Wanders the new land with her life defiled.

Confused and tired, she attempts to understand

New ways, odd smells; a strange land.

Here and there the people stare.

Her manner of speech, or her hidden hair.

Tossed to the street like an abandoned stray.

With no one to help her, she has lost her way.

From deep in her heart, the nightmares reign.

They dredge up the memories and the pain.

All alone, the refugee must survive.

Left alone, she cannot thrive.


The Refugee

by Stephanie Daich



Do not pretend for me to care.

You do withhold. You are not fair.

You give in the light,

But kick me in the night.

You claim that you’re kind,

But to my needs, you are blind.

While the cameras are on

You continue your con.

You’re a fake. You’re a farce.

Your charity is sparse.

Do not pretend for me to share.

Your heart is stone; you do not care.


You Only Serve to be Seen

by Stephanie Daich



Often: our pride, our grandiosity, our selfishness

And our idols, placing our worship in the wrong places,

Giving to an unknown God, an ideal that will only fail us.

Lost, is the love for our neighbor; vanished is the care in our hearts.

We’ve built our empire alone.

We need no one, especially God.

Yet when we think we can do something on our own.

God grants us that chance,

And leaves us to do it alone.


When God Leaves Us

by Stephanie Daich

Friday, July 12, 2024



He goes to the counter and presents the money.

He does not understand the currency.

The clerk could take advantage.

He wanders the grocery store, unaware of the foods.

If he bought them, how would he prepare them?

His clothing is odd.

He is out of place.

He doesn’t know the language.

With signs, he tries to communicate.

He cannot access his documents or his licenses.

He struggles to navigate the city.

People belittle him; they make fun.

They see him as lower class,

Yet he is trained as a doctor.

An upstanding member of his old community.

But here, in America

No one will give him a job.

Here, in the land of opportunity,

He sifts through garbage.

Back home, he served others.

In America, they treat him as a nothing.


Kicked to the Streets in America

by Stephanie Daich

Thursday, July 11, 2024



As she tries on the dress,

As she lets go of stress,

As her life she redefines,

She throws away their guidelines.

She followed the rules for too long,

She tried to fit in, tried to belong.

Removing the blinders, she can now see.

Letting go, she’s finally free.


Breaking the Rules

by Stephanie Daich

Wednesday, July 10, 2024




I wanted to love you; I did.

I gave you my entirety.

I put you above all.

I didn’t see your greedy ways.

It’s you and nothing else.

Why did you have to push everything else in my life away?

I could give you devotion while still loving other people and things.

But you did not allow it.

I didn’t see your conniving ways.

It’s you and nothing else.

You dazzled me.

Built me up.

I felt like I was the world with you while slyly pushing everything else out.

Why are you so selfish?

It’s you and nothing else.

As I thought you were making me better,

You were cutting out the most important parts of me,

Of my life.

Why are you so selfish?

It’s you and nothing else.

And now I am left with nothing.

Only you and nothing else.

I traded my soul for you.

Why are you so cunning?

It’s you and nothing else.


You and Nothing Else

by Stephanie Daich

Tuesday, July 9, 2024




I thought you were good.

You strengthened me and pushed me farther than I could achieve alone.


You shaped me, molded me, strengthened me.

With you, I accomplished my goals; I went beyond.


You grew me into a pillar.


You beguiled me.

All I could think about was you and neglected everything else.


I lost most of who I was to you, abandoned it.

I pushed everything else in my life out for you.


In the end, you ruined me.



by Stephanie Daich



The carrot dangles before me,

Tied on the line of a fishing pole,

A bait, an enticement, hanging to

Allure the donkey.

I am the Jackass.

It swings in front of me.

-daily; weekly; FOREVER!

I know I can never reach it,

Never yank it off the hook.

Only during small moments can I lick it,

But never-oh-never do I get it.

Yet, with it always there,

I chase, I chase, I CHASE!

I know it will never be mine,

But it owns me, controls me,

And I can’t stop chasing.

-chasing the carrot that





Chasing the Carrot

by Stephanie Daich



Are you tired of the corruption?

Change your life, the commercial prompts.

Shaking hands with widows,

And kissing baby’s cheeks,

The picture-perfect politician

Promised to fix everything.


Are you ready to be represented,

For someone to understand you? -the flyer in your box asked.

Visiting white-collar job sites,

And passing out food to the needy,

The picture-perfect politician

Promised to fix everything.


Now you watch their assurances crumble,

Corruption and lies on your newsfeed.

Economy tanking,

Freedoms halted.

The picture-perfect politician

Destroyed everything.


Picture Perfect Politician

by Stephanie Daich




Political madness ceases.

And petty problems don’t exist.

As the blackness of the heavens licks the red sandstone.

A dusting of glitter in the sky twinkles surrounded by colorful gas clouds.

The silence of the night, interrupted by the shrill coyote howl.

Tranquil Southern Utah! Where man ceases and nature rules.

I never want to leave.

Sun shines above the formations,

As rays of light turn orange and red.

The deep blue sky welcomes the day, pure and clean.

Snakes, scorpions, and feral dogs wander through the red dirt.

The wind blows and the Colorado river cuts, as they continue to reshape the land.

Tranquil Southern Utah! Where man ceases and nature rules.

I never want to leave.


_Ekphrasis to Southern Utah

by Stephanie Daich