Wednesday, December 22, 2021


We think we are unique.
But it’s already been done.
We believe our feelings are single.
We suffer in silence.
We rejoice out loud.
We sin.
We follow unknown paths.
We delight in pleasure.
We shrink from responsibility.
We think we are unique.
But it’s already been done.

Already Done
by Stephanie Daich



When I open the creative side,
The neurons firing within,
Burning ideas like flames consuming
That’s when ideas begin.
And when I open myself to the genius
The humming of the brain in motion
Breaking out from the stagnant
My attention turning to devotion.
That’s when my dreams come alive,
As my hands and mind create.
Consumed by the processes,
The rest of my life forced to wait.

Creative Side
by Stephanie Daich



Twas the first day of my summer,

As into adulthood, I rolled.

The magic of possibility around me

Shown bright, promising, and bold.

Of the shining, alluring, splendid

Of what my future could be

Shaking the shackles of youth,

For once in my life, truly free.

But what does a youth

Know of liberation?

What do they know of great joy?

How do they appreciate their new station?

And with folly and short understanding,

My summer quickly became fall.

Bound to a new contract

Foolishly, I traded it all.


Summer Turned to Fall

by Stephanie Daich

THE CALL -Poetry

The Call

The call has planted its seed,

And with great fervor, embedded its plan.

Has been clearing out the cobwebs

And unthawing the frozen man.

Every roadblock must be cleared.

Woe, the obstacles overwhelm

And the weakest link must be fixed

To enter the new realm.

From doubts with powerful opposition

Chain the man to low expectations.

The stiffening hold of regression

Locks him in unfavorable stations.

He once had a will and a power.

Energy and joy was his daily song,

But somewhere in life, it diminished

While laziness guides him along.

He can be more than he became.

A warrior turned to sludge.

Out of the hole, he must climb

Releasing the innermost drudge.

Can the call be enough for the man,

The will to try something new?

A cleansing of the soul.

To his whole self, he must be true.

The call has buried its seed,

While hope waters the plan.

It takes discipline and great work,

To rebuild the dying man.

The refurbished man can be great,

Ignoring the desire to quit.

He must resculpt his ambitions

And be willing to commit.

The storms will beat this man,

Throwing hailstorms and rain.

He must ignore them all,

While for greatness, he does train.

The closer he gets to his goal,

The stronger his body will be.

A strength inside has built,

While the quitter inside him will flee.

The call has planted its seed,

And with great fervor, embedded its plan.

Has been clearing out the cobwebs

And unthawing the frozen man.


The Call

By Stephanie Daich



Excitement! Would I carry you around- 

Always in every moment, 

Your joy not to be drowned, 

Upon me, your bestowment. 

The flowing hormones of exhilaration, 

Of pure euphoria taking hold,

Of life full of elation, 

Within me, you unfold.



by Stephanie Daich


I believed you.
You offered something better.
You made promises.
You told me what I wanted to hear.
It was only lip service.
My wall was up.
You brought it down.
I let in you.
I had hope.
It was only lip service.

I knew better.
The wall was up for a reason.
Damn me for trusting.
Damn you for lying.
It was only lip service.
You left quicker than you came.
I honestly didn’t expect it.
I believed you.
Why? I knew better.
It was only lip service.
I have begun to reconstruct my wall.
I will use stronger bricks this time.
My mortar will be like cement.
The wall will be unbreachable because,
It was only lip service.

Damn you for lying.
Damn me for trusting.
I didn’t need this journey.
Why did you lie?
Why did you leave?
It was only lip service.





From commitment hour, I am not true.

As others saw-I cannot do

As others-I cannot calm

My disappointments I cannot balm.

From the same upbringing, I do not hold.

My fulfillment-left untold

My satisfaction-left unchecked

To them, I’m a defect.

Then-in my life, new friends I meet.

My brokenness-they complete

My outcast-they include

My life; renewed.

To some groups, I am stained.

A relationship-strained

A loyalty-never formed

Always theatrics performed.

Yet out there are those who appreciate.

Caring for me-or my fate

Caring for me-they give me all

They invite, include, and call.

From this insight, I will no longer give.

My heart and time-to those who don’t forgive

My heart and time-to those who defame

And tarnish my name.

My time I’ll give to those who care.

Loving and kind-I’ll follow anywhere

Loving and kind-to them I’ll unite

Forming a friendship solid and tight.


Creating Boundaries

by Stephanie Daich



There are odd things done in the sickened mind

By the men who live in deception;

The brain’s chambers have their chilling secrets

That would scare you upon inception.

The jails and judges have seen their type,

The men with no conscience to bear.

But the most dangerous,

Is the man who doesn’t care.