The republicans started it. Wait, maybe it was democrats. Let’s ban them all!
As our nation becomes more divided, we watch major corporations doon the armor of political vigilantes. Disney Corporation threatened to stop filming in Georgia if the state adopted a bill against Disney’s CEO’s political stance (CNBC, 2019). When did it become corporations’ job to govern their patron’s thinking? Are we so rigid that we would refuse to see a movie filmed in Georgia because they had laws we disagreed with? If so, why stop there? Meanwhile, Disney took a political stand against Georgia, then only a year later, they filmed in China’s Xinjiang providence where serious human rights violations are reported. Disney seems to have political inconsistencies as they step into the political arena in states like Georgia and Florida but shield their eyes in other areas.

Law Enforcement Today (2020) reported that banks such as JP Morgan, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and others had joined the business of diving the country further as they deny services to agencies that don’t share their political view. This is scary. In the future, can your banking institute seize your funds if you don’t believe as they do? The political ripple also comes from small businesses, like the baker in Colorado, that refused services to a gay couple (CBSNews, 2015).
If you want to destroy a nation, turn them against itself. As that happens today, what are you doing to further the divide or heal the nation?
Buliga et al. (2021) state that having more friendships with opposing political groups could help mend the political divide. They highlight how hostility and anger have become more abundant from one party to the next. Collaboration and cross-interrelationships are needed to unite the groups on important issues and to help unite the parties.
Can we do this? Are we open to hearing and associating with those we feel different from? I hope your answer is an astounding yes!
Kaplan et al. (2017) often found that rewards, promotions, and status can be heightened for those with the same political stance as management. Kelly and Lobao (2019) recognize how political polarization spills into the public and academic arena. Factors like occupations and rural versus urban tend to have a political pull. Other issues include racial, materialism, and traditional stances.
Junior High has a harsh social system where relationships seem solid black and white. Whenever someone fights with their peer, they expect their whole group to join in on the fight. Adults desperately try to teach higher social standards. Today, the nation has returned to the ridiculous junior high rules. So many people, groups, and organizations ban groups with different viewpoints. Almost daily, this type of thinking plays out in social media. It is beneficial to have friendships with people who think and believe differently than us. It gives us varying points of view. It keeps us checked and calls us out when we might be mistaken. Why have we returned to the grade school playground as we play political games against each other?
It is time to unite as Americans and stop separating our country. There is no perfect political party, and most policies are weaved with sneaky agendas. We must open our minds and hearts to our fellow brothers and sisters. We must have honest debates and discussions with those we oppose yet remain cordial and kind. We do not need to have all or nothing-junior mentality as we deal with others. Let’s focus on building each other up, celebrating our differences, and working hard to change what we don’t believe in. We can do this without slander and hate.
We can unite and still stay true to our beliefs.
- Buliga, E., MacInnis, C. C., Hodson, G., & Biamonte, J. (2021). Friendship and romance across the U.S. political divide: Hindrance or help for outgroup political attitudes? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51(3), 305–317.
- CBSNews. (2015). Ruling made in case of Colo. baker who refused gay wedding cake. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from
- CNBC (2019) Disney CEO says it will be “difficult” to film in Georgia if abortion law takes effect. CNBC. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from
- Kaplan, S.,Milde, J., & Cowan, R. S. (2017). Symbiont practices in boundary spanning: bridging the cognitive and political divides in interdisciplinary research. Academy of Management Journal, 60(4), 1387–1414.
- Kelly, P., & Lobao, L. (2019). The social bases of rural‐urban political divides: Social status, work, and sociocultural beliefs. Rural Sociology, 84(4), 669–705.
- Law Enforcement Today (2020). Banks have been refusing to do business with people who do work for ICE - and it could soon backfire. Law Enforcement Today.
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