Friday, June 7, 2024



I kneel at the alter and consider my actions from the week,

Of the times I said too much or was silent when I should speak.

I think of the good I gave, and I try to forget the bad.

I smile at the joyful memories and tear up with the sad.

I kneel at the altar and cover my face from shame.

I think of when I was honest and the people I did maim.


Yet still, there is time for me to change the wrongs I have inflicted.

But, then, I could die tonight; my time here is not predicted.

I cannot wait for the future to change my sinful heart.

I must vow this very minute; this is the time to start.

When I leave these holy walls, I’ll strive for a better me,

And give my best to God, and from Satan, I will flee.

So, as I kneel at the altar, I will take on God’s name.

I will walk with my Savior and His Good Will I will proclaim!


I Kneel at the Alter

by Stephanie Daich

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