Even though science can explain the function of eyes and wavelengths, it still mystifies me. Most animals can interpret light into patterns and images. This is a miracle of life. Yet could we be hurting our eyes?
Blue light has become part of most people’s daily lives as this light saturates us in our modern world with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that are more often found in the typical lightbulb, computers, phones, billboards, and in many indoor settings.
The short wavelength of blue light emanates high energy that reaches the retina without losing much of its energy potential. The retina is the most sensitive part of the eye, constructed of bipolar cells, horizontal cells, amacrine cells, ganglion cells, and photoreceptor cells. The mitochondrion inside the rental absorbs the blue light, which accumulates in oxidative stress. This can bring about mitochondria death and change processing pathways. Compared to ultraviolet, infrared, and visible radiation, blue light presents the highest energy rays along the light spectrum (Tao et al., 2019).
According to Harvard Health Publishing (n.d.), exposure to blue light at night throws the body’s circadian rhythm off its regular cycle. They even link this effect to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and obesity.
If blue light is everywhere, what can we do? Harvard Health Publishing (n.d.) says to use dim red lights at night, avoid bright screens three hours before bed, use blue-blocking glasses, and expose yourself to natural light during the day. And as far as electronics go, Wong, R.V. (n.d.) suggests using the 20-20-20 rule, which is every 20 minutes look away from your computer at an object at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Also, ensure your screen device is not brighter than the ambient light to avoid eye strain.
As we encounter higher levels of stress from the blue light wavelengths, we must protect our eyes.
The Dangers of Blue Light Saturation
by Stephanie Daich
- Harvard Health Publishing (n.d.). Blue light has a dark side. Harvard Health Publishing Harvard Medical School. Retrieved on January 26, 2023, from:
- Tao, J-X., Zhou, W.-C., & Zhu, X.-G. (2019). Mitochondria as potential targets and Initiators of the blue light hazard to the retina. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2019, 6435364–20.
- Wong, R.V. (n.d.). The dangers of blue light. Randall V Wong, M.D. Retina Specialist. Retrieved on January 26, 2023,,Eye%20Strain.%20...%204%20The%2020-20-20%20Rule.%20

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