Wednesday, May 29, 2024



It's eight am on a Monday.

The cruel children enter the school.

You, the bully, sit next to Allison.

Making fun of her, being incredibly cruel.

You say, Girl, can you be any uglier?

Could you have at least brushed your hair?

While you poke fun at her,

The others laugh and stare.

Dee diddly-am

Dee diddly-slam

Throw down your insults just to make others laugh.

Destroy another's worth,

Because, inside, you are hurting too.

Destroy another's worth,

To mask the pain in you.

Now Allison has lost all her friends,

Because of the stinging lies you spread,

It will take her years to move past the pain,

Of the toxic message you put in her head.

If only you could see the damage you cause,

If only you could walk in Allison's shoes.

Perhaps you would lift her out of her pain,

Perhaps kindness you would choose.

Dee diddly-am

Dee diddly-slam

Throw down your insults just to make others laugh.

Destroy another's worth,

Because, inside, you are hurting too.

Destroy another's worth,

To mask the pain in you.


Just to Make Others Laugh

by Stephanie Daich

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