Tuesday, September 3, 2024

FAMILY -Poetry



Do I befriend you?

Do I despise you?

I don’t know.

Just because you are family doesn’t mean I owe you anything.

You spat upon my name these many years.

I disconnected from you.-severed the ties.

It’s better this way.

More peaceful.

No drama.

That’s all you bring, is drama.

How can someone have so much drama billowing around them?

Life chewed you up and spat you out,

And when you had nothing left,

You showed up as if you were the king in our lives.

I didn’t know what to think.

Had time smoothed the rough spots?

Is there anything worth saving?

You blew in like a vicious storm, ripping apart everything you touched.

I don’t care that you are family.

You can’t treat people this way.

Please, go back to hating me.

I don’t want your drama.



by Stephanie Daich

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