Can our children find financial stability in today’s economic crash? As gas prices drive us deeper into the recession, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. What will today’s youth do when they leave the nest? Can they survive without higher education or advanced skill? Graduates in bachelor’s programs tend to make more in their careers than those without degrees (Best Colleges, 2022).
Education combines knowledge and experience in formal and informal environments while teaching culture and behavior modeling into the curriculum (Britannica, n.d.). Education is obtained in the classroom, the field, and through daily experiences.
Fieldwork training allows students to apply and develop the principles taught from their education, allowing them to shadow and participate in a guided environment. Here the student can learn by observation and participation in an environment they can ask questions and learn hands-on applications (Brzykcy, et al., 2016).

Demarest and Gehrt (2015) state that technology and vocational schools offer students pathways to success in industrial and hands-on skills. Tech schools typically cost less and require less time than four-year colleges. Colleges emphasize knowledge acquisition, while tech schools value knowing how to do something.
Education and trade skills give a stable rock into people’s lives with knowledge and competencies that no one can take from the learner. As people gain marketable skills, they can provide for their financial needs and contribute to society. Education also provides moral and cultural learning that helps people navigate the community. Educated citizens boost their nation's economic growth (University of the People, n.d.).
Espino (2016) says many people lack the finances and opportunities for education. Many people find work obligations and language barriers stifling their chances to increase their education.
What will today's youth do? Can they make it without advancing their skills and education? Is education worth the time and financial investment? What can the older generation do to help today’s youth make it?
- Best Colleges. (2022). The value of trade schools in today’s economy. Best Colleges. Retrieved on December 16, 2022 from
- Britannica. (n.d.) Education. Britannica. Retrieved on December 16, 2022, from
- Brzykcy, D., Geraci, J., Ortega, R., Trenary, T., & McWilliams, K. (2009). Occupational therapy fieldwork education: value and purpose. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63(6), 821–822.
- Demarest, K., K., & Gehrt, V. C. (2015). Get college-and career-ready at a vo-tech high school. Phi Delta Kappan, 96(6), 22–26.
- Espino, M.M. (2016). The value of education and educación: Nurturing Mexican American Children’s educational aspirations to the doctorate. Journal of Latinos and Education, 15(2), 73–90.
- University of the People (n.d.). Top ten reasons why education is important. University of the People. Retrieved on December 16, 2022, from

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