As he struggles, where do you stand?
On the sidelines judging him
or holding his hand?
Loaded with burdens carried on his back.
Do you help him carry,
or verbally attack?
When she's trapped in the gutter of despair,
Do you help pull her out
Or only gawk and stare?
When other's attack your acquaintance or friend,
Do you join in the banter
or loyally defend?
This world is full of those who barely care.
Who take advantage of others
or try to ensnare.
So many people only focus within.
They don't see others.
Their loyalty is thin.
You could be the one who gives so little.
Barely helping another.
While others you belittle.
Why be the person with such little regard?
Why hurt others
When life is already hard?
Be the one who gives their entire soul.
Make caring and loving
Your number one goal.
The world is full of people so vile.
Don't be that person.
Walk the second mile.
Care deeply, love deeply, give all you can.
Look outwards, not inwards.
Help your fellowman.
Encourage others to reach their greatest potential.
Build them, love them.
Be influential.
Enhance those around you to sparkle and glow.
By building them up
and assisting them to grow.
As he struggles, where do you stand?
On the sidelines judging him
or holding his hand?
Be Willing to Walk the Second Mile
by Stephanie Daich
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